For the first time in history, the practice of luring specialists began in the 40-50 years by Ernst & Young employees and other Big Four companies. The struggle for the staff of others among the largest industry companies continues today. Successful headhunting is marked by high-profile news of personnel changes and reshuffles among the leaders of giant companies. Executive search is the search for the best staff among successful managers in the industry. Work of executive search recruiter can be noticed when a leading specialist who was known as an employee of one company already presents an innovative project on behalf of a new employer.
In Ukraine, headhunting and executive search are often combined, involving the enticement of senior executives, but at Recruiting company NRG we clearly distinguish these concepts. Headhunting is an order of a specific person from a specific company. An executive search is an order of a manager from companies in a certain field. Headhunting is an exclusive service that is typically sought after by experienced recruiters. Today, information technology provides ample opportunities for communication, but personal communication remains important for the headhunter. Here, the ability to stand on a level with a person of interest is important, to find out the conditions that can really interest a person – this is painstaking work that requires strict self-organization and determination.
Recently, they began to distinguish between internet executive search and classic direct personnel search (executive search). Internet executive search is a search on social networks, both professional and non-professional. With all the openness and prevalence, this technique has a serious drawback, because not all the right people use social networks, and even more, not all update information in a timely manner.
The methods that employees of the Recruiting company NRG use in their work are diverse, but the classic direct search (executive search) remains the most effective and fastest way to attract successful professional managers, even when they are not aware that they may be interested in a change of current employer. Our company’s arsenal of recruiters has a dynamic database that is updated daily with new candidates from all over the world. We negotiate tools for the selection of specialists and comply with strict ethical standards with each client company.
NRG recruiters who make executive searches are deeply immersed in various fields of activity, possess professional terminology and slang, literally speaking with specialists in the same language. Potential candidates often take recruiters as “their own”! For our executive search recruiters, there are no restrictions on specialization and job level (the exception may be unskilled jobs, such as cashiers, packers, or ordinary warehouse workers). According to NRG standards, recruiters receive a specialization in a certain field, after 3-4 years of successful and dynamic work and have an established circle of contacts with industry professionals.
The Recruiting company NRG specializes specifically in executive search projects. We also have successfully implemented headhunting projects. Solving the client’s tasks, we value his time and offer the best solutions in the shortest possible time.
“The client receives all resumes of candidates for a vacant position in a single standard with the comment of an NRG consultant. We make sure to conduct face-to-face or online detailed interviews to make sure that the candidate is really suitable for work on your team. We ask for recommendations from previous places of work from direct managers, partners, and colleagues. Only the best applicants who meet employer’s requirements as much as possible get to the client’s interview. This method allows clients to significantly save personal time and at the same time get a result much higher than the traditional one – through the placement of vacancies” comments Inna Vorotnikova, director of Recruiting company NRG.
Note: with companies that prefer to work with recruiting companies not publicly, we adhere to strict standards of internal and external communications, and relationships, NRG cooperates on a confidential basis. Entrusting us with the important solution of personnel issues, you will receive a high-quality operational expected result.