An agro company engaged in the export/import of grain and oilseeds, announces a competition for the position of International lawyer, Kyiv.
The company offers:
- Official employment;
- Competitive salary level;
- The possibility of professional growth;
- Work in a stable company;
- Friendly and professional team;
- Hybrid format of work;
- Office in the center of the capital.
- Legal support of foreign economic activity of Agroholding;
- Drawing up contracts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, GAFTA, FOSFA;
- Proofreading of all types of contracts;
- Due diligence;
- Tracking the legislation of Ukraine and other jurisdictions;
- Consulting in trade issues, banking issues, certification;
- Currency control;
- Work with organizations and associations: EV, ACC, USUBC, UZA in regulatory matters;
- Development of analytical and presentation materials;
- Negotiations, execution of agreements and correspondence.
- Higher education;
- Fluency in English;
- 3 years of work experience in a grain trading company;
- Experience with international law, commercial law of Ukraine, maritime law, banking law, Compliance;
- Knowledge of customs legislation.
If you meet the above requirements, please send your resume with a note in the subject line of the letter «International lawyer, Kyiv», to: [email protected] or call tel. /fax: + 38 044 594-30-98, mob. +38 050 421 74 33 (Telegram, WhatsApp), Contact person – Ksenia.
Only relevant CVs will accept for consideration. If we did not answer you, then you do not have enough professional experience, but do not hesitate, we will consider you for other vacancies that are or will be in the work of NRG.