New Recruiting Group - Нealthcare

Medicine is the heart of society, which works continuously, saving lives, ensuring the health and well-being of millions of people. In modern conditions, when healthcare faces numerous challenges, qualified medical workers are becoming irreplaceable.

Our recruiting company understands the importance of this area and directs its efforts to finding and selecting the best specialists in this field.

Ukrainian medicine has a rich history and traditions, but today it faces a special burden. Ukrainian medical workers are known for their professionalism not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. Ukrainian doctors, nurses and other medical workers have a high level of training, excellent qualifications, they are characterized by professionalism and the ability to provide high-quality medical care at the level of world standards.

Our recruiters closely monitor the personnel issue in the field of medicine, according to experts, today Ukraine is in dire need of professionals in such areas as:

General practitioners: the importance of primary care cannot be overestimated, but it is in this area that one of the largest shortages of personnel is observed.

Narrow-profile specialists: surgeons, cardiologists, oncologists, neonatologists and other narrow-profile specialists are in high demand both in large cities and in the regions.

Nurses and junior medical personnel: these specialists are an essential driving force of the medical system, ensuring the smooth operation of medical institutions.

Laboratory workers and pharmacists: the quality of diagnostics and treatment largely depends on the work of specialists.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the country lacks more than 30 thousand medical workers of various specializations. Now the problem of personnel shortage is felt especially acutely, the situation is complicated by the mobilization and departure of specialists to safer regions or abroad. Heads of medical organizations and institutions of state and private forms understand the need for significant investments in medical personnel.

To solve personnel problems, long-term planning and active involvement of new specialists in the medical field are necessary. Recruiting companies play a key role in the search for personnel, providing high-quality selection of personnel for Ukrainian medical institutions.

Our recruiters are professionals in their field, understanding the intricacies and specifics of the medical industry. We don’t just look for candidates, we find ideal specialists who can meet the high standards of modern medicine. Using modern technologies and our own database, our specialists quickly and efficiently find suitable candidates for your needs.

Our team consists of experts with experience in the selection of medical personnel. We study the requirements of each client in detail to offer exactly those specialists who perfectly meet your needs. Using modern recruiting methods, we reduce the time for searching and selecting candidates.

Trust us with the selection of the best medical specialists, and we will help you ensure a high level of medical care in your institution. Our goal is the health and well-being of each patient through the professionalism and competence of medical personnel.

Note: NRG cooperates with companies that prefer not to publicly advertise their work with recruiting companies, adhere to strict standards of internal and external communications and relationships on a confidential basis. By trusting us to resolve important personnel issues, you will receive a high-quality, prompt result.