01010, Kyiv
st. Levandovskaya, 5-B
office 21, 22



Head of Elevator

The agricultural company announces a competition for the vacant position of Head of Elevator, Central Ukraine.

The company offers:

  • Official employment and payment of wages;
  • The level of payment is negotiated depending on experience;
  • Annual bonus;
  • Company car;
  • Compensation for rental housing for nonresidents;
  • Probationary period 3 months.

Main functional responsibilities:

  • Ensuring prompt acceptance of own and customer-supplied grain, determining quality;
  • Grain processing and storage;
  • Shipment according to the terms of contracts;
  • Ensuring the serviceability of elevator equipment, timely implementation of scheduled preventative repairs and maintenance;
  • Ensuring efficient use of resources and careful consumption when bringing grain to the required quality indicators;
  • Personnel management, monitoring compliance with technology;
  • Reporting to the immediate supervisor.

Requirements for candidates:

  • Specialized higher education – grain storage and processing technology or related specialties;
  • 3 years of experience working in a modern elevator as a manager or his deputy;
  • Knowledge of grain processing technology, standards and legislation in this area;
  • Experience in railway shipments;
  • Decency and scrupulousness, willingness to make decisions and bear responsibility for them, leadership abilities, ability to negotiate and defend one’s point of view, ability to work in a team.



If you meet all the above requirements and want to work in a team of professionals, send your resume with a note in the subject line “Head of Elevator, Central Ukraine” to e-mail [email protected] or call +38 044 594 30 98, mob. +38 (050) 327 98 88 (Viber, WhatsApp), https://t.me/Inna_Vorotnikova - Inna.

Only relevant CVs will accept for consideration. If we did not answer you, then you do not have enough professional experience, but do not hesitate, we will consider you for other vacancies that are or will be in the work of NRG.